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5 Festive Decorating Ideas for Your Flocked Christmas tree

So, you’ve decided to go ahead and get that flocked Christmas tree you’ve been eyeing for months, but you are not sure what the best way to decorate it will be? Well, worry no more! We are here with some great ideas to decorate your tree. We are sure that these decorations will bring out the beauty of your new living room addition in the best possible way!

When you first bring your flocked tree home, it might seem like there’s nothing you can do to make it look better than it already does. Well, these 5 decorating ideas will help you see your flocked tree in a whole new light. It’s time to shake up your decorating style and make your Christmas tree the talk of the town!

There are several ways to decorate a Christmas tree but we will stick to discussing only a few of our most favorite looks. You can choose these decorating styles or even add your touch for a unique and customized look. Whether you are flocking a fake Christmas tree or a real one, here are some quick and simple decoration ideas. We’ve ranked them from easiest to hardest so you can choose one depending on your skill level. 

Here goes!

  1. No Need of Decorations

Getting a Christmas tree might seem like a lot of work, but it’s quite simple. Not only does buying a flocked tree save you from having to spend time and money on ornaments, but it also serves as an easy way to bring holiday cheer into your home from the moment you set it up. 

You can just leave the tree as it is and it will still look so pretty!

If you are flocking an artificial Christmas tree yourself then make sure you fully cover the tree in snow and just admire your work with this minimal look!

We recommend adding just one thing though. Place a white sheet around the tree trunk, covering the floor underneath. It will look like snow piled up under the tree and will add a perfect touch to the flocked tree.

  1. Decorate With Only Lights

Lights are a great way to add some color and magic to your tree!

Make sure you use LED lights because incandescent ones get hot and can start fires. You can even buy a pre lit flocked Christmas tree if you don’t want the hassle of decorating the tree yourself.

When decorating yourself, all you have to do is string the lights on each branch of your flocked Christmas tree. If you find that sectioning off pieces of branches with clear tape makes placing individual light strands easier, go for it. It doesn’t matter how many bulbs come in each strand—just make sure they fit around your branches! 

And if they don’t fit? String up multiple strands! 

You might also want to stick to only clear bulbs; colored bulbs can make decorations look gaudy or tacky in our humble opinion.

  1. A Candle-lit tree

A beautiful alternative to a traditional flocked tree is a candle-lit flocked tree. Just add some battery-operated candles to your favorite ornaments, and place them on your tree. It’s a stunning sight, and it won’t cost you much!

Many people are opting for a flocked artificial Christmas tree nowadays. We also got the same last year and decorated the tree with these candles. People were so inspired by this style and we heard raving comments on our choice of decoration. We will suggest piling up some extra artificial snow on the branches to enhance the look and take this decorating idea to the next level.

  1. A Metallic Touch

Metallic decorations give your festive season decor an extra sparkle. In addition, they’re perfect for bringing out those extra rays of the winter sun. If you like to keep things simple with minimal embellishments, metallic ornaments and tinsel can be a great way to bring some life to your flocked tree. 

A metallic design can bring out your tree’s natural beauty, but you don’t want to go overboard. Use caution with shiny tinsel, metal garland, and sequins; you want shimmery accents that enhance your already beautiful tree rather than overpower it. Metallic balls are an especially good choice, as they’re usually made of either paper or polyester felt—two materials that are easy on flocking.

  1. Red and Silver look

The holidays are all about glitz and glamour. So, don’t hold back on your creativity when it comes to decorating your tree.  These vibrant silver and red colors will be sure to grab some attention. Red and white candy canes, shiny red ornaments, and silver tinsel can transform a plain tree into a perfect Christmas centerpiece.

If you’re decorating your Christmas tree with flocking, there’s nothing quite like red color to add some punch. Snow flocked Christmas tree with the burst of red looks very festive and it is a must-try decoration idea if you like colors!

Our Thoughts on Flocked Christmas tree

Everyone seems to be flocking a Christmas tree with spray snow these days. Not only it gives a gorgeous snow-covered look to your tree but can save you the trouble of decorating with too many decorations. Flocked trees look way better with minimum effort so we are all up for it!