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Summer Hacks That Will Make Hot Days Enjoyable!

There’s nothing quite like summer, but there are some aspects of it that can be pretty difficult to deal with. From humidity to heat and sunburn, we need all the help we can get during the summer season! 

Luckily, we have gathered some great tips and tricks that really work. With these summer hacks, you’ll be able to make the most out of every single hot summer day!

In this article we are covering life hacks for summer, summer camp life hacks and DIY life hacks for summer.

Summer Hacks for Backyard Get-togethers

Whether you are having family time in your backyard or have guests over for a pool or BBQ party, running around doing simple chores can be quite hectic.  Moreover, if you also have to deal with flies, mosquitoes, and bugs, all the fun will vanish in an instant.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! 

So, we are here with simple solutions to these little issues that can ruin all the fun. These summer hacks are easy ways to make your day-to-day life just a little easier, so you can have an enjoyable time with family and friends.

  1. Use Lemon to Keep Bugs Away 

If you’re dining outside, bugs might try to sneak their way onto your food or drink. To keep those pests away from your summer dinner, simply place a slice of lemon around your cup or plates. Many insects are repelled by citrus scents and will avoid areas with strong citric odors.

  1. Eucalyptus Hack to Avoid Mosquito Bites 

Mosquitoes are generally active at dusk and dawn, so enjoying an evening out can be hampered by pesky bites. To protect yourself from mosquito bites, fill a spray bottle with plain water and add 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil for every two cups of water in your spray bottle. To use, spray liberally when outdoors during prime biting times. 

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid Of Fruit Flies 

It’s that time of year when you start seeing fruit flies, and it’s likely that some of your food scraps have attracted them. A quick way to get rid of these pesky insects is with a cup filled with apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of sugar. The sugar attracts them, and they drown in the cider vinegar.

Summer Camp Hacks for Kids

Summer camp can be one of the most fun times for kids, but it can also be stressful if they’re not well prepared. 

Whether the summer camp is for a couple of nights or a couple of weeks, the most important thing is taking the required stuff with you and then easily grab the particular item from your belongings whenever needed. 

The following summer camp packing hacks will be a great help when you are preparing to send your kid to summer camp. Additionally, these packing hacks can be used for your family’s next camping trip too!

  1. Organize Your Stuff in Small Bags

When packing for a trip, it’s best to use totes and small boxes to keep your belongings organized. You don’t want to end up throwing everything into a giant duffel bag, only to have random items fall out while you are looking for a particular thing. An organized packing routine will make it easier for your kid when they’re in unfamiliar territory.

Moreover, while it’s important to pack everything that will be needed, it’s also helpful to think about how you can make unpacking easier for your kid. 

  1. Use labels

Using brightly colored, easy-to-read labels on all of your kid’s summer-camp bags and boxes will not only help ensure that everything gets into its proper place once they arrive at camp, but it’ll also make it easier to grab anything on the way out.

Labeling your items is especially important if you’re sending your kids to camp with a big group. Some parents choose to write their child’s name directly on their bunk or personal bag with a waterproof marker, while others rely on waterproof stickers. Either way, use something durable so it lasts through multiple trips to camp. Stickers can be easily peeled off after they’ve fulfilled their purpose!

  1. Always Use Plastic to Pack the Stuff In

This is a very simple hack but it is very effective. Try to use plastic bags to pack your stuff as it ensures that your things will not get wet and ruined in case it rains when traveling.

DIY Summer Hacks That Are Easy and Practical

There are countless easy and practical hacks to try in summer so it was very difficult for us to pick only three!

But we assure you that you are going to repeat these hacks every summer to come!

  1. DIY Homemade Popsicles

What’s better than a Popsicle? A homemade one!

This summer save some money by making your favorite popsicles at home—or your kids’ favorite ones!

All you need is juice and a mold. It’s so easy to do that it should be illegal not to try it out. Homemade Popsicles require nothing more than some creativity, and no special ingredients other than access to fruits and/or juices. Everything else can usually be found in your kitchen already.

  1. DIY Sunburn Cure

It’s one of our favorite summer beauty hacks that work perfectly when you need something to soothe your sunburn.

Take 2-3 fresh aloe Vera leaves. Cut them lengthwise into two halves. Then take out all the gel using a knife or grater. Finally, make a smooth paste in a chopper. You can either store this gel in a jar and use it whenever needed or freeze the gel in cubes. Take a cube out and rub gently on sunburn when you need a soothing treatment.

  1. DIY Coffee Ice Cubes

Make some coffee and freeze in an ice cubes tray. These cubes will come in handy when you need to further chill your cold coffee. The great thing about the coffee ice cubes is that it chills your cold coffee without diluting it, unlike normal ice cubes.

Our Final Thoughts

Summer is a season to be outdoors and enjoy the long days doing your favorite activities. A few simple hacks can make your experience even better and your days memorable.

It’s great if we can contribute a little to make your summertime easier and fuss-free!